

11.02.2021 Successful results of exploration in Podkarpacie

Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) has successfully completed drilling of another six wells in the south-eastern part of Poland. Future production from the wells is estimated at some 60 mcm of gas annually.

The Bratkowice-6K, Gnojnica-6K, Ocieka-2, Mirocin-6, Mirocin-34 and Mirocin-52 wells were drilled at the end of 2020 and at the beginning of 2021. Formation tests completed in all of them confirmed the presence of commercial gas volumes.

The success of PGNiG’s most recent projects in Podkarpacie proves the effectiveness of our exploration strategy in the region. We expertly combine knowledge of the area’s geology with a wealth of experience and cutting-edge technical solutions. The result is our repeated discoveries of new gas resources, both in new fields and in the areas where we have produced gas for dozens of years,” says Paweł Majewski, President of the PGNIG Management Board.

The locations of the Bratkowice-6K well in the Reszów County and Ocieka-2 well in the Ropczyce and Sędziszów County were selected based on 3D seismic surveys made in recent years. Their analysis led to a new interpretation of the geological structure of this part of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin by the PGNiG experts and successful identification of the potential gas-bearing formations. The Gnojnica-6K well in the Ropczyce and Sędziszów County is a continuation of the project in the Gnojnica gas field, discovered in 2016. The wells will be connected to the existing infrastructure.

The work on Mirocin, located in the Przeworsk and Jarosław Counties, is part of the revitalisation of the field, which had been in production from 1962. Until recently, it was assumed that the field was depleted in more than 90 per cent. After an analysis of geological data, the PGNiG experts concluded that it contained gas-bearing structures from which no production had been carried out yet. This was confirmed by off-set wells completed over the past few years. Based on the findings, additional resources were estimated and further drilling was planned. As a result, PGNiG drilled three existing wells to new depths, opening the way to a new gas-bearing layer, which is estimated to hold approximately one billion cubic metres of gas. Bringing the wells on stream will be faster and more cost-effective as the existing infrastructure will be used for this purpose.

When planning activities in the Mirocin field, PGNiG relied on the experience gathered in the revitalisation of other fields in the Podkarpacie region, i.e. Przemyśl and Sędziszów.

The six wells drilled recently by PGNiG in Podkarpacie mean not only more gas but also new geological data, whose analysis will be used in planning further projects in this area. It will be supplemented with the results of new 3D seismic surveys which we intend to make in the next years,” explained Robert Perkowski, Vice President of the PGNiG Management Board for Operations.

President Paweł Majewski stressed that the completed and planned activities are in line with the Company’s strategy to maintain production of gas from domestic fields.
