

25.01.2012 PGNiG finishes work on the Felsted-1 well in Denmark

Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA has finished work on the Felsted-1 exploration well on the Jutland Peninsula.

Felsted-1 was spudded in early December 2011. In the course of subsequent tests and measurements, the presence of lean nitrogen gas with hydrocarbons was confirmed. As no further work on Felsted-1 is planned in the near future, the well will be plugged and abandoned. However, further analyses are planned based on the core samples taken from the well.

PGNiG SA is the operator of Licence 1/05 in onshore Jutland (southern part of the Jutland Peninsula, near the German border), in which it holds an 80% interest. Nordsøfonden holds the remaining 20%.

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