

31.01.2012 PGNiG Energia starts trading on the Polish Power Exchange

On January 31st 2012, PGNiG Energia, a subsidiary Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA, commenced trading in electricity and CO2 emission allowances on the Polish Power Exchange.

The Management Board of the Polish Power Exchange has admitted PGNiG Energia to start trading activities from January 31st 2012 on the Property Rights Market, Commodity Derivatives Market, Emission Allowances Market as well as the Day-Ahead and Intra Day Markets.

The role of PGNiG Energia, established in 2009, is to provide support to PGNiG SA with respect to preparation and implementation of power generation projects. Moreover, the company will independently implement smaller projects, mainly consisting in construction of renewable energy and co-generation facilities.

PGNiG Energia will be responsible for implementation of investment projects involving construction of small gaseous fuel fired CHP plants located outside the Warsaw metropolitan area. Furthermore, the company will invest in emergency operation power plants (gas-fired units contributing to stabilisation of the National Power Grid), as well as in renewable energy projects (biogas plants and wind farms).

PGNiG Energia's operations will also include wholesale trading in electricity as well as purchase of electricity for the PGNiG Group's own needs.

Press Team PGNiG SA
