

23.02.2012 Modernisation of helium generation facility in Odolanów completed

On February 22nd 2012 an official celebration was held at PGNiG SA's Odolanów Branch to mark the completion of the modernisation process.W Oddziale PGNiG SA w Odolanowie odbyło się wczoraj oficjalne zakończenie dwuletniej modernizacji instalacji oczyszczania, skraplania i magazynowania helu.

The reconstruction of helium recovery, purification and liquefaction facility commenced in March 2010 and ended in January 2012 with the launch of a new hydrogen removal unit, helium liquefactor and liquefied helium storage facility. The reconstruction not only allows to process a nearly 30% larger stream of helium, but will also considerably reduce the amount of electricity needed to purify and liquefy the gas.


Due to its unique properties, applications of helium range from MRI scanners used in medicine, production of superconductors and optical fibres, welding and laser cutting, scientific research which requires working at temperatures near to the absolute zero to gas chromatography. Its most spectacular applications include rocket engine scavenging in space programmes and cooling CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva.

Poland is one of the six countries in the world which supply pure helium. PGNiG SA sells helium in gaseous and liquid forms to Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, the Balkan states and Turkey, as well as to other countries.

Natural gas is the only source of helium on Earth. The Odolanów plant has generated helium since 1970s from the nitrogen-rich natural gas produced by the nearby oil and gas production facilities. Since 2009, Odolanów has also received compressed helium concentrate from the Grodzisk Wielkopolski Denitriding Plant.

Press Office PGNiG SA
