

02.02.2012 Information on gas supplies from the East

Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM SA and Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA report that, apart from the temporary limitations imposed on three industrial customers under commercial gas sales agreements, all other customers in Poland are currently receiving natural gas in quantities that fully meet their requirements.

Over the past 24 hours the Russian supplier OOO Gazprom-Export has not confirmed an order placed by PGNiG and, consequently, gas supplies from that direction have been lowered by 7%. The reduction of gas supplies relates to the Yamal transit gas pipeline. PGNiG SA has intervened on this matter with its supplier and expects response.

Current demand for high-methane natural gas is approximately 68 million cubic meters per day and is met in the following manner: supplies of gas from domestic sources amount to about 7.2 million cubic meters per day, supplies of imported gas are about 40.8 million cubic meters per day, and the balance comes from underground gas storage facilities.

PGNiG SA and GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. are continuously monitoring the situation and will be reporting on gas supplies and demand on an ongoing basis.

Joanna Zakrzewska

Spokesperson for PGNiG SA
