

01.02.2012 Following an application from Gaz-System, PGNiG SA is limiting supplies of natural gas to Zakłady Chemiczne Police, PKN Orlen and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy

Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA reports that in response to an application from Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych Gaz-System S.A., it has introduced commercial limitation of natural gas supplies to Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A. (starting from January 31st 2012) and to PKN Orlen S.A. and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. (starting from February 1st 2012).The limitations have been imposed in conformity with the terms of the applicable gas sales agreements and in agreement with each of the companies. We inform at the same time that other customers of PGNiG SA are receiving natural gas in accordance with their needs.  

Gaz System has given "expected increase in demand for high-methane natural gas to more than 70 million cubic meters per day and the threat of failure to balance the transmission system" as the reason for the introduction of the limitations.

Current demand for high-methane natural gas is approximately 65million cubic meters per day and is met in the following manner: supplies of gas from domestic sources amount to about 7.5 million cubic meters per day, supplies of imported gas are about 42 million cubic meters per day, and the balance comes from underground gas storage facilities.

At 10.00pm on January 30th 2012, PGNiG SA's underground gas storage facilities contained 1.177 billion cubic metres of gas, including 555.8million cubic metres of mandatory stocks which may be used following a decision of the Minister of Economy. A substantial portion of the mandatory stocks is stored in the peak-demand Mogilno Underground Gas Storage Cavern Facility from which gas can be withdrawn at a maximum rate of as much as 20 million cubic metres per day.

In connection with the expected very low air temperatures, PGNiG SA notified OGP Gaz-System S.A. of the need to immediately start using the mandatory stocks. This would significantly increase the volume of natural gas fed to the transmission system from the Mogilno Underground Gas Storage Cavern Facility and would cover the expected sharp growth in demand for gas.

Joanna Zakrzewska

Press Officer
