

26.04.2010 CSR-Driven Transformation of Polish Enterprises. PGNiG’s Practice Ranked among Top Practices

Does Best CSR Practice help companies gain competitive edge? Is corporate social responsibility a new direction for transformation of Polish enterprises? Answers to these questions were sought by delegates of the conference hosted by the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan (KPP Lewiatan), NSZZ Solidarność trade unions and Deloitte, a consultancy. The meeting was also an opportunity to announce the results of a competition announced late last year by KPP Lewiatan, Deloitte and NSZZ Solidarność concerning excellence in alignment of Best CSR Practice with business strategies at medium-sized and large companies. The objective of the competition was to promote corporate social responsibility standards among enterprises. As part of the project, Lewiatan, Deloitte and Solidarność have joined efforts to develop tools for planning and execution of CSR initiatives at enterprises.

In a ceremony held at the Library of the Warsaw University on April 21st, awards were presented to companies whose practices turned out to be the most interesting and - more importantly - truly aligned with their business strategies. No first, second or third awards were conferred; instead, the hosts recognised 20 companies for their full compliance with the CSR standards.  

Michał Szubski, President of PGNiG SA's Management Board, collected the distinction for PGNiG's practice Sustainable Development and Responsible Business Strategy Management System.

Participants in the competition submitted papers describing 94 practices implemented across various core areas identified in the draft ISO 26000 standard, that is organisational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues and community involvement and development. Companies willing to participate in the competition had to complete an extensive questionnaire, which was then assessed. A total of 23 points could be scored for the responses to the questionnaire.