The foundation focuses mainly on promoting national culture and heritage including the protection of monuments and supporting science and education.
Our Patron
The choice of Ignacy Łukasiewicz as PGNiG Foundattion's patron is not accidental. Ignacy Łukasiewicz was born on 8th March 1822, and was remembered as a pharmacist, entrepreneur, inventor of the oil lamp as well as one of the pioneers of the oil industry. But he also earned his name as a prominent philanthropist. A revolutionist and an independence activist, was also the first person in the world to use the benefits of crude oil in a broader industrial scope.
He was a very efficient organizer and manager. He promoted the idea of planting orchards, constructing roads and bridges, building schools and hospitals and financed many of them with his own funds. He launched a crusade against alcoholism and poverty in the Podkarpacie region where he lived for his whole life. He also set up relief and pension funds.
He has been thought to be one of the greatest benefactors of the region who largely contributed to the welfare of people living in the Podkarpacie region. His employees addressed him Father Ignacy. He strived after the development of growing oil industry and did not keep everything for himself but promoted and helped to establish small companies.
You can find more information about our patron at Muzeum Przemysłu Naftowego i Gazowniczego w Bóbrce, (The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Memorial Museum of Oil Industry at Bóbrka) which is supported and financed by PGNiG. Feel welcome to visit.