None of the Supervisory Board Members shall perform any other activity outside PGNiG which would be competitive to PGNiG activities, shall be a partner in a civil or private company competitive to PGNiG, shall be a member of a body of any capital company or legal person being competitive to PGNiG, has been written into the register of bad debtors, has performed managerial or supervisory functions in the entities which have been insolvent or liquidated in the term of office of these persons, has been deprived by the Bankruptcy Court of the right to run a business activity on their own or to be a member of supervisory board, representative or plenipotentiary in a commercial company, state-owned enterprise, cooperative, foundation, association and has been sentenced with a legal decision for crimes or offences specified in provisions stipulated in chapters 33 to 37 of the Penal Code and articles 585, 587, and 590-591 of the Commercial Companies Code.
Supervisory Board
Members of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG SA
- Bartłomiej Nowak - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Cezary Falkiewicz - Vicechairman of the Supervisory Board
- Tomasz Gabzdyl - Secretary of the Supervisory Board
- Roman Gabrowski - Member of the Supervisory Board
- Mariusz Gierczak - Member of the Supervisory Board
- Mieczysław Kawecki - Member of the Supervisory Board
- Piotr Sprzączak - Member of the Supervisory Board
- Grzegorz Tchorek - Member of the Supervisory Board
Bartłomiej Nowak - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Bartłomiej Nowak completed management studies at the Kozminski University of Warsaw and is a graduate in Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. He also holds the degrees of Master of Arts in Management and International Business from Bradford University and Master de Recherche from the European University Institute. In 2009, Mr Nowak received a Doctor of Laws degree from the European University Institute, and in 2013 – a Habilitated Doctor degree from the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Bartłomiej Nowak specialises in energy law, business law, competition law, and EU law. In 2007-2009, he worked for Directorate-General for Transport and Energy of the European Commission and as an adviser to the President of the Polish Energy Regulatory Office. In 2010-2014, he was an adviser at the Kancelaria Domański Zakrzewski Palinka sp.k. law firm and member of the Supervisory Board of PTE WARTA S.A.
Since 2009, he has worked for the Leon Kozminski University of Warsaw, initially as Assistant Professor and then Professor at the Law College, as well as Vice-Rector for Economic and Social Studies.
Bartłomiej Nowak is a member of the Scientific Boards of the Aviation Institute, Electron Technology Institute, and the National Centre for Nuclear Research.
Cezary Falkiewicz - Vicechairman of the Supervisory Board
Cezary Falkiewicz is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He also completed postgraduate studies in Finance and Accounting with the accreditation from ACCA at the Vistula University of Warsaw. Professionally involved with the state administration since 2014, first at the Ministry of State Treasury, then at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of State Assets, where he currently serves as Deputy Director of the Fuel and Energy Companies Department.
In his work to date, he has dealt mainly with economic and financial analyses of enterprises and various aspects related to the acquisition of company shares by the State Treasury using funds from the Reprivatisation Fund. Cezary Falkiewicz’s professional experience also covers M&A processes involving state-owned companies, as well as the oil and gas industry – in 2018-2021, he served on the Supervisory Board of Lotos Upstream Sp. z o.o.
His current responsibilities include exercise of the owner’s rights in state-owned companies and coordination of the consolidation processes in the fuel and gas sector.
Tomasz Gabzdyl - Secretary of the Supervisory Board
Tomasz Gabzdyl is a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He holds an engineering degree with a major in utility and industrial power engineering systems. His area of professional expertise includes occupational health and safety in the oil and gas production industry. He has completed a number of training programmes and courses in OHS and labour law.
He has worked for Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo since 1995, gaining expertise and experience in numerous roles. Gas Distribution Plant Manager at Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. Holder of the title of Grade II Mining Engineer. In recognition of his contribution to the Oil and Gas Industry, he received a ministerial Honorary Medal of Merit. Also awarded the following industry accolades: Outstanding Service to PGNiG SA and Outstanding Service to Polska Spółka Gazownictwa.
Since the beginning of his professional career, Tomasz Gabzdyl has been committed to social and trade union activism. In 2011 he became Deputy Chairman, and since 2019 has served as Chairman of the Nationwide Trade Union of Oil and Gas Mining, the largest and oldest trade unions centre at the PGNiG Group. He has co-authored many industry documents and labour agreements.
Voted by Employees to the Supervisory Board of PGNiG.
Throughout his professional career he has held various positions, including head of the Drilling Department, deputy director of the Institute of Drilling, Oil and Gas, two terms of office as Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas of the AGH University of Science and Technology. He now serves as the Dean of the Faculty for the third term. In addition, Mr Andrzej Gonet was a co-founder of the PWSZ Krosno State College, where he has served as Vice-Rector and Rector.
Roman Gabrowski - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr Roman Gabrowski is a graduate of the Wrocław University of Technology (Faculty of Applied Automation) and the Wałbrzych Higher School of Management and Enterprise, (Faculty of Strategic Management). He additionally completed post-graduate studies in management of state-owned energy companies organised by the Warsaw University of Technology, and studies in business finance management at the Wrocław University of Economics (Faculty of Management and Computer Science). He is authorised to sit on the supervisory boards of state-owned companies, and is a licensed construction expert in power engineering as well as a court-appointed expert.
Mr Roman Gabrowski has gained professional experience working in managerial roles in the power industry, including entities of the Tauron Group. In 1993–1997 he was Chairman on the Supervisory Board of ZE Wałbrzych SA. In 1998–2002 he was President of the Management Board of ZE Wałbrzych SA, and in 2007–2008 – of EnergiaPro Gigawat (currently renamed Tauron Obsługa Klienta). In 2007 he chaired the Supervisory Board of Jeleniogórskie Elektrownie Wodne (currently renamed Tauron Ekoenergia), and in 2016–2019 served as Chairman on the Supervisory Board of Tauron Ekoserwis. From 2016 to 2019 he was also President of the Management Board of Tauron Ekoenergia, where his current position is that of authorised representative of the Board for technology.
Mariusz Gierczak - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mariusz Gierczak is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the Faculty of Marketing and Management of the Częstochowa University of Technology (CUT). Participant of specialist training programmes and courses in the field of labour law. He deals with matters related to broadly defined collective labour relations, especially the role of social dialogue at mining and energy companies.
He has worked for Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo since 1995. Currently, he is employed at PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny Sp. z o.o. as Customer Service Manager. Holder of the title of Grade III Mining Engineer. In recognition of his contribution to the Oil and Gas Industry, he has received a ministerial Honorary Medal of Merit. Also awarded the following industry accolades: Outstanding Service to PGNiG SA and Outstanding Service to PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny.
Mariusz Gierczak is committed to social and trade union activism at the PGNiG Group. Since 2006 he has held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Nationwide Trade Union of Oil and Gas Mining. He deals mainly with matters related to equality in employment and counteracting all forms of discrimination, as well as respect for Employees and their affairs, working actively for decent working conditions and employment stability. He has initiated numerous social campaigns for Employees in difficult personal circumstances.
Voted by Employees to the Supervisory Board of PGNiG.
Mieczysław Kawecki - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr Mieczysław Kawecki is a graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Master of Science in Engineering, principal field of study: well operation. He started his professional career in 1976 at Sanocki Zakład Górnictwa Nafty i Gazu, working at the Wańkowa crude oil extraction facility. In 1984, he was appointed manager of a new crude oil and natural gas extraction facility in Lublin. In 1986, he became manager of the Wielopole crude oil extraction facility. In 1991–2017, he has worked as manager of the Strachocina Underground Gas Storage Facility. Since 2017, Mr Kawecki has been managing the Underground Gas Storage Department of PGNiG’s Sanok Branch.
In 1998, he completed post-graduate studies in underground gas storage, and then in 2003 graduated in Environment Protection in Economy from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Mr Kawecki is also a licensed mine operations manager and Grade I Mining Director.
He is President of the Management Board of the Sanok Branch of the Polish Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPNiG). In 1990–1992, he was a member of the Works Council at Sanocki Zakład Górnictwa Nafty i Gazu and a delegate to the General Assembly of Delegates of PGNiG Warszawa. He was a member of the Works Council of PGNiG Warszawa of the 6th and 7th terms of office from 1994 until it was transformed into a company.
Until 1998, he was a member of the consulting group at PGNiG. From 2003 to 2005, Mr Kawecki served as Chairman of the KADRA Trade Union at the Sanok Branch, and member of the Union Coordination Committee. In 1999–2004, Mr Kawecki was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NAFTOWIEC Housing Cooperative of Sanok. He was first member and then Secretary of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG in 2005–2014.
Voted by Employees to the Supervisory Board of PGNiG.
Piotr Sprzączak - Member of the Supervisory Board
Piotr Sprzączak is a graduate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University of Lublin and the National School of Public Administration of Warsaw. He began his professional career in 2011 at the Oil and Gas Department of the Ministry of Economy, and then the Ministry of Energy. He is currently Head of the Infrastructure Department at the Ministry of Energy.
His main professional focus is on matters related to security of natural gas supplies to Poland. As part of his professional duties, he negotiates EU laws and drafts legislation concerning security of gas supplies. He also coordinates activities related to Poland’s membership in the EU and international organizations, energy agreements of which it is a signatory, as well as activities related to international cooperation. In 2011-2014, he was involved in preparing and updating the assessment of risk related to security of gas supplies, a prevention plan and an emergency response plan.
Grzegorz Tchorek - Member of the Supervisory Board
Mr Grzegorz Tchorek graduated from the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. In 2007, he defended his doctoral thesis, which earned him an award of the Prime Minister for the best doctoral theses. Having become a PhD, Mr Tchorek started working as an associate professor at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw and as an adviser at the National Bank of Poland (since 2009).
His main focus as an expert is the experience of eurozone economies, institutional changes in EU member states, as well as internationalisation and innovation of businesses. In the course of his professional career, he has led analytical and research projects. His academic achievements include numerous research projects and publications relating to the monetary union, innovativeness and competitiveness.
Mr Grzegorz Tchorek has extensive experience as a speaker, attested to by his appearances at international conferences and lectures given at numerous academic centres across Europe.