Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG SA) Representative Office, est. in 2007, is a liaison office representing the Company’s interests vis-à-vis European Union institutions and energy sector. It advocates PGNiG position towards the EU initiatives. Its purpose is to identify and establish alliances around the Company’s mission of providing sustainable secure and affordable energy for the public and industry.
The Representative Team is actively engaged in promoting PGNiG’s mission, position and views on energy issues. The team's goal is to enrich a discussion on energy policies and market development by adding the perspective of a large, vertically integrated gas Company from the CEE region.
Our Team in Brussels:
Aneta Wilmanska, | Tomasz Frankowski, |
Contact details:
Orlen S.A.
Representative Office in Brussels
rue Belliard 40
1040 Brussels, Belgium
tel. +48 22 106 46 99
tel. +48 22 106 47 87
e-mail: brussels@pgnig.pl
PGNiG SA is a member of International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, Hydrogen Europe, Central European Energy Partners (CEEP) and an associate member of European Energy Forum